This schoolgirl letter paints a picture of a simpler time.
Lizzie apparently moved away from Clyde, and is filling Ida in on all
the latest news.
Dear friend Ida,
I seat myself with much pleasure to write you a letter, for it has
been so long since I saw you or heard from you. I heard the other day that
you was at home yet, so I thought I would write to you to know how you
are getting along. I suppose you have a nice time now since you have got
big. There is a good many young people around here, but not close. Our
neighbors haven't any big girls.
I suppose you had a nice time the 4th of July. Our Sunday school went to Neapolis to a picnic, and all the big girls and boys stayed till the train came about dark. They had a dance. I stayed to see them dance, but I never dance myself, and there was a picnic at Whitehouse the 20th of this month. Our school had a picnic the 30th of July and there was a good many came. There was a picnic about 4 miles from here yesterday.
How does Emma Noresh and Effa get along? Give my love to them. Tell them if ever they come to Whitehouse to come and see me, for I only live 8 miles from there on the railroad. Ma & Pa was down to Mr. Casles a short time ago. Give my love to all that went to school when I went. Tell them to write and all, send their foto when you write. And Ida, be sure you send your foto. Dear Ida, I think you might come and see me. I haven't been to Clyde but once since we lived here.
We have our farm paid for, and the railroad runs through the center of it. It has been very dry here this summer. It has been the driest summer we have had since we lived here. We had a good many melons this summer. We had a nice time eating them, and they haint all gone yet. I wish you was here to help eat them. I am sure we would have a good time together.
One of our neighbors is building a new house. He is building a nice house. It will cost $2500.
Give Will's love to Swarts boys. Mary said I should tell you that she was pretty.
Friend Ida, when you write tell me all the news you can. Write as soon
as you can and tell me if you got this letter.
Well, I guess I must bring my letter to a close, for I can't think
of anything more. Don't forget to send your foto and I will try to get
mine to send next time.
So no more at present.
Lizzie Stacy
Colton PO
Henry County